So, I decided one day that Wednesday's supper should always be something made in the crockpot. Since Wednesday is usually one of my busiest days at work and then we have church in the evening, it doesn't leave much time OR energy to cook a good supper. So, I decided I should plan to use my crockpot each Wednesday.
Yes, my crockpot is dirty - it is well used!
Then I decided that I could share my recipes on my blog each week. Yes, I know there are PLENTY of blogs out there with crockpot recipes. Some are probably more exciting than mine! But hey, if I am gonna get into the habit of using my crockpot each week, why not blog about it?!
Now, I am planning on using my crockpot each week, does that mean that I actually will? No. I am planning to post my recipe each week, does that mean that I actually will? No! I promise to REALLY try to post my recipe each week - but please, don't hold me to it!!
So, for the first week, I hadn't really planned much ahead, so I just threw a ham in the crockpot. No, I don't mean one of those ground up, smooshed together shaped things you find at the store. No, this was a nice, homegrown ham roast! One of my absolute fav things to eat! I put it in the crockpot at noon, set it on high and came home to the smell of supper being ready. Now, I did have to boil some taters and mash them, cause...umm... you can't have ham without mashed taters!! Oh, and I put some butter, sour cream, and chives in my taters - very good combo!
I don't have a picture of this delicious meal - I scarfed it down too fast!! Good ole comfort food! Well, and at that point I hadn't planned to start blogging about my crockpot adventures! Let me tell you, though, it sure was nice to come home and relax between work and church!
Oh, and the leftover ham makes AWESOME omlettes and REAL ham sandwiches!
Stick around for the next edition of Crockpot Wednesday!